Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why does my internet disconnect whenever I use voice chats or file sharing programs?

I have comcast high speed internet, and I noticed that every time I use a file sharing program, or use voice chat by yahoo for computer to computer conversations, my internet disconnects and I have to restart the computer in order to get back online.

How can I repair this so I won't have any internet interuptions?

Why does my internet disconnect whenever I use voice chats or file sharing programs?internet security software

with voice sharing the pc needs the memory to link you through

file sharing is the same,but if you are on a fixed download tariff your provider may be limiting usage.

you are still on the internet or you would not be able to chat or download.

Why does my internet disconnect whenever I use voice chats or file sharing programs?moto guzzi

Impossible to answer this without more detail. Check your firewall is set up properly. Check you have permission from your ISP to do these things. The problemis most likely to be with these but without more information, no-one can give you a concrete answer.

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